sábado, novembro 09, 2002

Estou triste e com dor de dente.Não escreverei. Magoa, saudade, vontade de que gostem de mim de verdade,me achem bonitinha e divertida de novo.Vontade de abraçar.Não escreverei para não ferir ninguém.Nenhuma palavra dita (escrita) em momentos como estes podem trazer coisas boas.Vou ficar aqui, encolhida no meu canto, ou talvez em baixo da cama como nos velhos tempos.Não gosto de brigar comigo mas as vezes não consigo evitar. ALL YOU WANT I'd like to watch you sleep at night To hear you breathe by my side And though sleep leaves me behind There's nowhere I'd rather be And now our bed is oh so cold My hands feel empty, no one to hold I can sleep what side I want It's not the same with you gone Oh if you'd come home I'll let you know that All you want, is right here in this room, all you want All you need is sitting here with you, all you want It's been three years, one night apart But in that night you tore my heart If only you had slept alone If those seeds had not been sewn Oh you could come home and you would know that All you want is right here in this room, all you want All you need is sitting here with you, all you want I hear your key turning in the door I won't be hearing that sound anymore And you and your sin can leave the way you just came in Send my regards to her, I hope you've found that All you want is right there in that room, all you want All you need is sitting there with you, all you want I'd like to watch you sleep at night To hear you breathe by my side

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